Creates a chart showing the missing data by case in the data file. Each "column" represents a different variable, and the shading indicates missing values. The chart supports hover and zoom.
In the example below, there are no missing values for Does respondent have mobile phone, a smattering for Work status and Age, and many for Occupation.
To run this test in Displayr, go to Anything > Data > Missing Data > Plot by Case (in Q, go to Automate > Browse Online Library > Missing Data > Plot by Case).
In the object inspector, under Inputs > Variables select the variables you want to analyze, change any other settings, and click Calculate to run the function.
Variables The variables to show in the chart. Each variable will be shown as a column in the chart.
Variable names Show variable names instead of labels.
Show number of cases missing Include the number of cases missing in the X axis labels.
Show percentage of cases missing Include the percentage of data missing in the X axis labels.
Fill color Color used to display missing cases.
Background color Color used to display non-missing cases.
Global font family Font family used in the all of the text elements. This can be overriden for specific text elements in the controls below.
Global font color Font color used in all the text elements in the chart. This can be overriden for specific text elements in the controls below.
Show hover text Show index of missing cases on hover. This may be quite slow if the number of missing cases is large.
Show data labels Show index of missing cases as data labels on the chart. This can be useful for using the chart when hover is not available. However, it is often not useful if the number of missing cases is large because labels will overlap.
Automatically set opacity If selected, the opacity of the lines showing missing cases will be automatically set. If the density of missing cases is high, is opacity be lowered to improve visibility. However, for some data sets it may be more appropriate to manually set the opacity.
Data label background opacity By default there is a background that is set to 1 so that the data labels can be easily seen above the chart lines. However, if the number of cases are few, so the filled areas are more rectangle like, it may be better to set the opacity to 0.
Title Optional title to show in chart.
Subtitle Optional subtitle to show in chart.
Footer Optional footer to show in chart.
X axis label orientation Whether to show the labels horizontally or vertically. If this is set to automatic, labels will be placed horizontally if there are less than 10 variables and vertically otherwise.
Wrap X axis label Whether labels should be wrapped across multiple lines if they are too long.
X axis label width (in characters) Maximum number of characters before a line is wrapped.
Customize margins Select this option to manually specify margin sizes (in pixels).
How to Check for Missing Data Using Plot by Case