QScript code can be used to automatically relabel variable and value labels much like running syntax in SPSS.
This function adjusts the variable and value labels of specified questions in Q and Displayr.
updateVariableLabels = function(variable_name, value_info, new_variable_label) {
var variable = project.dataFiles[0].getVariableByName(variable_name);
if (variable == null) {
log(`There is no variable with name ${variable_name}`); return null;
var value_attributes = variable.valueAttributes;
var unique_values = variable.uniqueValues;
value_info.forEach(function (info) {
if (unique_values.indexOf(info[0]) == -1)
log(`Variable ${variable_name} does not have a value of ${info[0]} so the script skipped this value.`);
value_attributes.setLabel(info[0], info[1]);
variable.label = new_variable_label;
In the below example we have updated the labels for two questions, d3 and q3. We first specify the value labels within value_info
and then set the variable label by specifying the variable name and the new variable text within the updateVariableLabels
// Edit code below
// d3
var value_info = [[1, "Male"],
[2, "Female"]];
updateVariableLabels("d3", value_info, "D3 - Gender")
var value_info = [[1, "Coca-Cola"],
[2, "Diet Coke"],
[3, "Coke Zero"],
[4, "Pepsi"],
[5, "Diet Pepsi"],
[6, "Pepsi Max"],
[7, "Dislike all cola"]];
updateVariableLabels("q3", value_info, "Q3 - Preferred cola")
Note, the function code under the Method section needs to additionally appear within your script when running this.