Variable The input variable containing geographic data to be combined into categories.
Combine by Use this control to toggle between the other methods for combining categories in the the Automatically Combine Categories menu such as By Value > Tidy Categories.
World region The geographic region that the input data/variable comes from.
Input data type The type of data/geographic unit, such as States, Postcodes, or Place (city, town, etc.), that the input variable contains.
Output geographic type The desired geographic unit to combine the input data into. Must be a larger type than Input data type; e.g. it is possible to map U.S. counties to U.S. states, but not the other way around.
Check spelling If this option is selected then approximate matching is performed using the Levenshtein distance, instead of requiring exact matching when looking up the input data values in the regional database.
Check neighboring region Select this option if the input data comes from more than one region than the one specified by World region. For example, with World region set to USA and this option selected, matches for the input data will also be looked for within Canada.
Supplementary variable Only shown when Input data type is Place (city, town, etc.). Use this dropbox to supply an additional variable with geographic info (such as state or region) to disambiguate place names in the input data that could represent multiple distinct locations in the region.