Performs the Wilcoxon signed rank test to assess whether the median of the sample is equal to a specified value.
Technical details
- Variable Sample to analyse.
- mu Median of the variable, as assumed under the null hypothesis.
- Alternative hypothesis Use a two-sided or one-sided test.
- Type of test Method by which the p-value is computed.
- Summary Shows a nicely formatted table of the test results (default).
- R The original text-based output from the wilcox.test function.
- Variable names Display Variable Names in the output, instead of Variable Labels.
- More decimal places Display numeric values with 8 decimal places.
Uses the wilcox.test function from the stats R package.
- In Displayr: How to Perform Single-Sample Wilcoxon Test
- In Q: Create > Test > Nonparametric > Single-Sample Wilcoxon Test